Saturday, January 23, 2016

Game 4 - The We Don't Need Luck, We Have Magic Game.

Game 4 - Pictou Sheet 1, Red Stones. 

Also, this game is more mega drama. You've been warned.

Also, also I just figured out the text issue, I think. Hopefully it will be better after this post.  On we go. 

1st: The girls start with hammer all day today. It is below freezing out on the ice. Well below. Sheet 1 has a bit more curl in it than 3 did the other day. Line is tricky the first 3 rocks for the girls. Katie gets it on her second take out attempt though, clearing the blue center guard.  

Cindy clears shot rock and the girls sit 2, to start the back end.  The opposition skip throws the wrong color rock, ha. Marissa takes out 1 blue but rolls farther than she wanted. The girls get 1. 1-0 after 1. 

2nd: Donna starts in the 4 foot. Blue 1 goes through. So does blue 2. Girls sitting 2, unguarded. Katie fixes that with a nice draw into the top 12. 

End to end sweeping by Donna and Cindy help the girls sit 3. 

Blue takes out a few stones but Marissa can sit 3 with a hit and stay on her first but is wide. 

Blue 7 is long giving the girls a chance to cut blue to 1 (or maybe steal). Blue can get three: but they only get 1. 1-1 after 2. 

3rd: Donna tries for a double on her second but is wide. Blue sits 2. Katie has a great freeze for her first. 

Cindy draws to the button, it's hard to tell what the house is like from behind the home hack but I think the girls have a few near the button. Cindy with another great draw and great sweeping. 

Coach thinks the cold makes the girls play better.  It looks like Msrissa makes a great freeze after the last blue takeout. Probably a tricky shot, so they discus options.  Narrowly missing 4 (awe), they take 1. 2-1 after 3. 

4th: The start looks good for the girls: 2 buried by on Katie's first and sitting 3 after her second. The opposing skip lacks some focus stoping rocks before they come to rest. 

Cindy almost hogs a rock but power sweeping gets it over. A good center guard for her second. You can tell the girls are having more fun this evening. Good. 

Girls sit 3 waiting for the hammer. I can't take the waiting...thieves for 2. Woo! 4-1 after 4. 

5th: The fans are in the (warm room) stands now. An uneventful first half of 5. Not much in the house. Katie is throwing a hit for her second, and connects. 

Cindy's first over curls but opens up the center. Peel coming from Cindy: blue granite flys. One blue leaves, one hangs around. 

This end has turned on the girls somehow. Blue has got a lot around the edges. Blarg, blue gets 6. 4-7. 

6th:  The blue team is giving the girls chances to get back in. The girls can't seem to capitalize though. One lone red guard is the only thing that seems to stay in play. 

Marisa has a good tap and sits one buried. 

1 for sure, just needs paint for 2. Great draw. They get 2. 6-7 after 6. 

7th: It's time to be thieves again. A center guard goes up then a nice come around on Donna's second. 

The girls keep cloging up the center with 1 red on the button. Those guards are paying off. Blue is using up rocks trying to chop through the forest of granite out front. 

And now Cindy hogs a rock. Hot 80 tolls for you, Cindy. Blue finally had a raise attempt but it angles off. Red is still shot. 

Great first shot for skips 1st stone. Girls sit one buried. The steal is looking good. Good 2nd shot by Messier. They sit 2, waiting for hammer. Waiting. Waiting.  Steal of 1. 7-7 coming home. 

8th: One more roguish end is all we need. Either way it's been a great recovery after giving up 6. 

Blue puts 1 top button. Good skip sweeping helps Katie clear shot rock. Katie puts a guard back, then the next blue stone picks opening the door. 

A great tap by Cindy and they sit one buried. The blue takeout wrecks leaving a red biter. Cindy has another clutch shot replacing the guard. 

Blue gets a timely double. Boo. Marissa responds with a nose hit to leave 2 biters.  Blue 7's lite! Marissa can draw around and make it real tough. 

Blue needs full 8 to win. 

It's heavy!!! Girls win! WWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

On again tomorrow at 11am (7pt). 

We are going home to drink some "Baby Duck" sparkling wine. 

Yes, it's a real thing. 

1 comment:

  1. Really great photos and coverage. Big cheers from the fans at home! Great job ladies.
