Thursday, January 21, 2016

Day One - Complete

Phew. Traveling all day takes it out of you. We made it to Nova Scotia. Flying from New York we got some really great views out of our window. Stunning blue. 

Though, a bit more grey once on the ground. 

Cindy's dad said 25 cm of snow fell in one night last week (that's almost 10 inches in America speak). 

Things I learned in the Nova Scotia airport: Canada is the land of tigers. 

We all got through customs quickly, except for Donna, who didn't know where we were curling or how long we were staying. She made it through eventually though. 

We were graciously picked up by Cindy's dad and his cousin. He provided a thorough list of instructions for driving in the snow. Read Cindy, read. 

Having eaten very little all day we were all looking forward to a good meal. We found one here:

It was a delicious meal of chicken, pie and of course, poutine. We knew this was going to be a good restaurant when we saw this sign. 

We've been treated to great hospitality already at the Wood house, here in The Garden of Eden. Sleepiness is quickly setting in, though I did just eat a chocolate covered pretzel. We'll see how long I last. 

Go Team Bondgirls!

Update 1:  We are watching a movie/documentary about Canada and it's already had two interviews with Rush so, best movie ever. 

Update 2: Katie Kerr commercial jingle count - 2. 

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