Saturday, January 23, 2016

Game 3 - Wacky Ice in Westville

Game 3 - Westville Sheet 1

1st: The girls start with hammer. And a good guard from Donna. But she hogs her second - here comes the Hot 80. 

Katie's first is short on the center line. Cindy's first draw is heavy and through. 

Playing on three different ice surfaces must be challenging. A run back for Cindy's second is good. Now the girls can bump stones up. 

Marissa tries a tap back; it wrecks on a red guard. The front is very messy. The opposition sits 1, top 12 right side. Marissa runs one back but too much. 0-2 after 1. 

2nd: The opposition sits 2 after the first 4. 

Katie throws a good hit and roll to clear 1. 

Half way through there are several guards in play, opposition sits 1. Cindy peels one guard which opens up their own stone but the opposition flashes it and opens up a chance to draw in. 

Marissa has a hit to sit two; but it swings over. There seems to be lots of curl here and the girls have yet to get a good handle on it.  The ice is definitely heavy here. 

Steal. 0-3 after 2. 

3rd: The girls pow wow at the hog line before Donna throws, trying to turn things around. Donna has a great chip on the red guard. 

Katie pleads with her second stone to curl, waving with her hand but it stays wide and settles open in the back 4 foot. It's removed on the next throw. Cindy rips off a good hit. And a good tap back to sit 1 buried for her second. 

The girls seem to be taming the curl a bit better now.  Marissa throws a pretty good freeze for her first. The middle is totally open. 

Marissa has a hits for two as her shooter stops just in time. Good recovery. Girls. 2-3 after 3. 

4th: Katie's first double attempt just kisses the top stone moving it a few feet sideways. 

The port shot attempt wrecks and opens up the front a bit. Looks like it's tough to get lots of weight. 

Marissa yells hard for sweeping and Cindy almost makes the double, clearing one stone. The girls sit 1 buried but the opposition has a nice shot to counter. 

Two great shots by the mate (woo). The other team is on their hit game, though missing their draws leaves Marissa a chance to hit and roll buried.  It hits but stayed wide.  2-5 after 4. 

5th: Donna, yelling hard at her stone, tries to split the house but is just lite on her second. 

Katie takes the wide way but finds a spot in the back 4, almost under cover. It's enough as the next red wrecks on the lone center guard. Both mates (vices, to us 'murican's) are lefties, I just noticed this.  

Cindy's second shot is a great freeze. It looks like the girls are finding fun even though it's been a challenging day so far (don't give up girls, I believe in you). 

The back end discuss options, it looks like they settle on a hit to sit 2.  The swingy ice gets them again though (this ice is unpredictable for sure). Marissa faces a crowded front house on her last stone. She negotiates the broom with Cindy before throwing. 

That darn curl is brutal. 2-6 after 5. 

6th: The red rocks pile up in the top of the house to open the 6th. Katie clears one on her second. Red hogs their next rock but Cindy's take out over curls. Luck is not being a lady tonight (well, this afternoon but you know). 

Another red hog - maybe they can finish off the Hot 80.  It looks like Skip & Mate (also an old time-y high sees crime fighting duo) are trying to cook up a run back double, maybe just a single. Good try, the double just misses. They clear 1 but a red stone sits buried on the button. 

The girls discuss some crazy angles but decided on a less zany option. Still tough though. It's too lite, hand shakes. 2-8 final. 


I can see the frustration on the girls faces. I can feel the desire from them to perform like they know they can.

That's a tall order without adequate facilities.  15 feet of curl with negative handle, one time a week for less than 20 weeks a year won't cut it.  If/when we ever get our own ice we're going to easily be the spiritual successor to Cool Runnings. Cool Runnings 2: Ice Ice Baby needs a new pair of curling shoes. 

I'm not sure everyone here really gets where we are coming from (in a curling sense). The faces of shock and bemusement are everywhere. It takes about 20 minutes before it really sinks in with curlers up here. I almost don't blame them for their disbelief anymore. If they only really knew what conditions we curl in I bet it would be tough to complain about the ice here. 

If anyone wants to help bring ice to Hollywood, we'd be ever grateful for your help. 


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