Saturday, January 23, 2016

Game 2 (1 of 3 today)

Game 2 - Bluenose, Sheet 1

1st: The girls have hammer to start. Donna starts with a nice take out. Then another. 

The opposition flashes and the girls can sit one buried but Katie is too powerful (too much good food for breakfast) and is long. Cindy throws a nose hit.

Marissa draws to top 12 for her first. She has a hit for 1, or a hit and roll to blank. 0-0 after 1. 

2nd: Donna throws a biter to start, her second is just through.  The end gets messy but Cindy throws s nice double on her second to clean it up. 

The girls lay 1 after skips first rock but it's picked out. Chance for another blank (ignoring their impulse yesterday to never take a blank). Still 0-0

3rd: Donna starts with a nice corner guard. All 4 first rocks in play as guards. Katie for a double peel, clears one entirely and moves one over. A wall is formed out front right. 

Cindy has some cleaning up to do but only gets one and leaves another center guard.  The opposition loops in one more to sit 3. Marissa is facing 4 with her first shot: it cleans up the center but still leaves 4. 

Tough last shot: it's lite. Down 0-4 after 3. 

4th: It's time to rebound. Donna puts up a corner. A good line on her second but it drifts through the back 12. It seems the girls are struggling a bit with the weight. 

Katie's first takeout over curls but clears a guard. A good hit on Katie's second opens up the front of the house. Cindy with a great double to sit 1 buried. 

The girls sit 3 after mates rocks. Marissa can get 2 with a hit and stay; success. 

Good 2 girls. This is where you come storming back, lets be thieves. 2-4 after 4. 

5th: Donna starts with a tight center guard. She sneaks around the center to tap out the yellow on the button, great shot. Katie is lite on her first. The girls are sitting second shot after Katie's rocks. 

Marissa has the line out wide for Cindy's second; but it stays straight, that seems frustrating. The rocks are really diving to the center going away on the left side. 

Lots of rocks in play for skips stones. 2-8 after 5.  I blame the early morning for this one. 

6th: The opposition is playing well this morning. Donna just misses the run back but clears the guard. Katie to bring some heat on her first; good double.  

Attempting the freeze for her second; just lite in the top 8. Freeze attempt 2; it's also short. The 3rd attempt is much better, girls sit shot. 

Marissa moves the rocks off the button with her first. Looks like only 1 is likely this end (or another blank). 3 blanks. Still 2-8. 

7th: A good guard to start from Donna. Katie throwing heat removes shot rock. 

Uh oh, Katie hogs a rock. Coach will impose the pre agreed penalty - Hot 80. The opposition keeps throwing through, the girls are trying to get something going on the left side. 

The specter of hot 80 begins to haunt Katie, you can see it in her face (plus I keep taunting). Now Marissa hogs one! (Note: I later learn that Katie helped engineer this hog to not drink alone). Maybe the hot 80 is too intimidating. Marissa draws for 1 but it's hand shakes. 3-8 final. 

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